Team sheet panels

Team sheet panels

This page explains our team sheet panels (rosters) module. How to create various team sheet panels. Also how to manage panels/attendance as officials from public user account.


Create Panels at club level


How to create a standalone panel. This is more of a group of players with little restrictions.



How to create a age grade panel. This panel can be restricted by age grades and gender.



This can follow similar restrictions as used in age grade panels. However, this can help you split an age grade/gender into teams like e.g B and C team.



You will have the option to assign Roles - Coach, Assistant Coach etc to anyone added as an official to your panel. To do so, edit your panel, click the Officials tab and click the icon next to the official’s name.

Manage panels as official from public user account

This explains how an official can manage their panels.

This requires you to be a official of the panel to manage the panel from your public user account. Club admins can assign you as an official of a panel when creating the panel.


Create Roster, Enter Event and Edit Roster

This shows how to create a roster, enter that roster into an event and edit the roster after the initial registration.


Manage attendance as official from public user account

This covers the management of attendance for your team sheet panels.

This requires you to be a official of the panel prior to manageing the attendance for that panel through your public user account. Club admins can assign officials when creating panels.


Attendance module


This video covers the following (time stamped)

  1. How to create a panel - 0

  2. How to add players and officials to that session -6.20 

  3. Contact Attendees -12:51 

  4. Show you the various functionality you have from your public user account when logged in as a player or official. -13:54

  5. Training schedule +covid survey for player-16.25

  6. Coach perspective of running a training session -17:57

  7. How the covid survey works if you fail it -20.49

  8. How to print an attendance record/pdf of the session-23:16




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