Bulk upload

Bulk upload

  1. Download the file above

  2. Fill in the highlighted columns First name, Last name, Email, Club name, Membership type. When done save as a csv file and send to your PSO. Please note the following:

  3. Do not delete any columns and leave all headings as is, in order for the import to work.

  4. Leave columns that are not highlighted yellow blank and these can be filled in on the registration form when members login and update their information/sign waivers.

  1. The email column must be accurate or the member will not receive an email and won't be able to finish registration

  2. The “membership type” is the membership category that the member will be imported under and subsequently, the club will be invoiced for. The membership type needs to match the name thats in your club membership type section. Go to “membership types” in your Sportlomo admin panel. (your PSO should have login details for you and you can login in here ). Alternatively, your PSO may give you a list of the available membership types to choose from.

  1. After you have filled in the details send the file as a CSV to your PSO. They can then send it to Sportlomo to do the import.

  2. Members will be imported in a “needs more information” status. This means they won't be active until they login to their Sportlomo account via the activation email and click update information and fill in the registration form/sign waivers.

  1. Importing the members into the gym/program will automatically create a Sportlomo account for the member that they will need to activate/ sign into and update the registration form.

  2. New Sportlomo account holders should expect to receive two emails, one to activate their Sportlomo account and another registration confirmation from the gym/program/school (similar to the one above)


  1. New users should login via the activation email and fill in the registration form via “update information”

  1. Then they will set a PW for their sportlomo account


  1. Then they login

  1. Click on the blue “update information” and fill in the registration form


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