

In some situations, an automatic refund can be requested if under fifteen days. If it is not available you can request a manual refund. If these options are not available please contact your club administrator.

Automatic Refund:

This is only available after 24hrs of purchase. This is because the transfer has to reach the other bank account before being reversed.

If you are within fifteen days from the point of purchase you may have the option to automatically refund yourself from your Sportlomo account.

  1. Login to your Sportlomo account

  2. Click Payments on the side menu

  3. Click Membership

  4. You will see the automatic refund icon (see screenshot below)

  5. If you have a few memberships click view details first to check you are refunding the correct one.


Refund Request:

If you are after 15 days you will have to request a refund. To request a refund please follow the steps below. Keep in mind, all levels need to approve their portion of the fees e.g: Governing body - Province - Sub union - Club. Sportlomo cannot process refunds on behalf of these associations so if there is a delay I recommend you contact them directly.

To apply for a refund you must:

  1. Login to your Sportlomo account

  2. Select Payments then memberships from the side menu

  3. You will see the refund request option (See screenshot below), you will receive an email telling you when you are approved.


After submitting refund request:

After you have submitted the refund request you can return at any stage to view the status of the approvals at the various association levels.

Please remember the funds are not held by the software provider (SportLoMo). This means the refunds need to be approved by each association before being refunded. Each level is responsible for their portion of the fees.





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