Incident Management

Incident Management


The incident management module designed to record any incidents that happen to a player/member, primarily during the progress of a game but has been extended to report incidents that may have happened externally including training or other sports. Incidents Categories/Types can be related to but not limited to Injuries, Discipline,Scoring, Substitutions for example

Incident Input

App (Referee)


Browser (Referee)


User (Admin / Club)









Incident Categories

Incident Categories and will always be the primary dropdown/selection when recording an incident next to a member/player.





Name of category. No character limit, however it should be short and concise.

Short Description:

Abbreviated form of above where space is limited.


You can use Font Awesome Icon Short Codes to display an icon e.g
Penalty Try if setup like:


would display like: (on referee browser input)


Score Field:

Tick this box if a member/player getting this incident category would influence the score of the game, however if this category is a collection of different types of scores, then you can leave this unticked and tick it in the Incident Type (secondary dropdown)

Score Value:

Enter the value of this score e.g 1 for a goal in soccer, 5 for a try in rugby, 6 for a touchdown in NFL etc

Publish to API:

Tick this box if you wish to send the information in this incident to the public API which allows this incident to be displayed to the public. e.g you may tick for a Score Incident, but for for a Medical incident where the public should not be informed.


Here you can say which users/roles can access this Incident Category. If left blank then all users will be able to add this category of Incident. The different user types are:

  • Officials: Each type of Official e.g Referee, Umpire, AR1, Commisioner can be selected

  • Association: Allows a logged in user/club to add this Category

  • AssociationChild: Similiar to Association but individual access created in ‘Manage User Accounts’

  • Member: Allows the person who registered the member, normally themselves or a parent, to add an incident:

  • Coach: Allows a designated Coach on a Panel/Roster to add incidents for Members of that panel

Custom Fields:

This will list the range of custom fields you have setup elsewhere on the system. If you wish any of them to appear when this category is selected, regardless of type (second dropdown), then select them here. You can also leave it blank and select each of them for each type in the next section

Incident Types

Incident Types are a subset of Categories and can are broadly setup very similiar, however they do allow you to alter that Status of the Member, e.g update a player to ‘Suspended’ if given a red card, ‘Inactive’ if in concussion protocol etc



Incident Category:

Select the parent Category of this type


No character limit, however it should be short and concise.


Abbreviated form of above where space is limited.

Auto Update Member Status:

If ticked, this will automatically change the membership status of the player/member given this type immediately after incident is created.




Status to update Member To:

Active: Makes the member ‘Active’
Inactive: Makes the member ‘Inactive’, they will not be able to join a teamsheet primarily but other membership functionalities could be affected also, e.g transfering, upgrading, uploading credentials, purchasing events.
Suspended: Similiar to above.


You can use Font Awesome Icon Short Codes to display an icon e.g
Penalty Try if setup like:



would display like: (on referee browser input)


Score Field:

Tick this box if a member/player getting this incident type would influence the score of the game.

Score Value:

Enter the value of this score e.g 1 for a goal in soccer, 5 for a try in rugby, 6 for a touchdown in NFL etc

Publish to API:

Tick this box if you wish to send the information in this incident to the public API which allows this incident to be displayed to the public. e.g you may tick for a Score Incident, but for for a Medical incident where the public should not be informed.


Here you can say which users/roles can access this Incident Category. If left blank then all users will be able to add this category of Incident. The different user types are:

  • Officials: Each type of Official e.g Referee, Umpire, AR1, Commisioner can be selected

  • Association: Allows a logged in user/club to add this Category

  • AssociationChild: Similiar to Association but individual access created in ‘Manage User Accounts’

  • Member: Allows the person who registered the member, normally themselves or a parent, to add an incident:

  • Coach: Allows a designated Coach on a Panel/Roster to add incidents for Members of that panel

Custom Fields:

This will list the range of custom fields you have setup elsewhere on the system. If you wish any of them to appear when this type is selected.

Incident Causes/Actions

These two sections are similar and allow you to create dropdowns immediately below Incident Categories and Types. Each Cause and Action created will appear as a dropdown option.






Give name of the cause/action that will appear in dropdown.

Action/Cause Code:

Short version of above.


Similiar to Categories and Types

Include in incident file:

Tick this box if you wish to add an attachment upload box for this action.

Categories and Types:

Here you should see a tab for each category you have and below each type in that category. You can tick each type or select all you want this cause/action to be available to answer to

Custom Fields:

This will list the range of custom fields you have setup elsewhere on the system. If you wish any of them to appear when this cause/action is selected.

Incident Custom Fields

This section allows you the most flexibility is creating a very custom form for the incident, e.g you may want multiple answers to a specific question or the question to be a checkbox or multiple choice etc.



Field Name:

* Lower Case, No Spaces, e.g lower_case_no_spaces version of what you want this custom_field to called. This is to allow us to store it correctly in the database and report later.


The name of the custom field, this will appear as the question.


Can the user save this incident with or without this answered.

Field Type:


Text: Simple text input
Numeric: Whole numbers only
Checkbox: True/False checkbox
Dropdown: Allows you to create list of options and sort them numberically
Place the name of the option in the box on the left and use the arrows to move the options up down if editing later.


Attachment: File Upload Box
Content Page: Tick box that can be linked to conten page, Terms and Conditions for example (in progress)
Date: Date Picker
Time: Time Input
Bigger Text: Allows for a larger text input
Player List: Allows to select from list of players on own team or opponent team (or text input if not related to a game)


User/Member/Coach View



Referee View (Needs work)



Referee App View





(In Progress)

Here you specify whether you want to allow the user to enter multiples of this answer e.g
Preferred position, they could submit Full Back, Centre etc.

Publish to API:

Tick this box if you wish to send the information in this incident to the public API which allows this incident to be displayed to the public. e.g you may tick for a Score Incident, but for for a Medical incident where the public should not be informed.

Incident Email Templates

Here you can create template emails that can be sent to specific email addresses, specific people within associations with a role, and to the members themselves (Notify Member).
Templates can be created for each incident status, e.g Created/Edited/Completed etc, and templates can be created for each category and type. Future development will allow you to customise them by recipient and by creator and source e.g Game/Training/Other


Incident Status:

Select the status change of the incident that will trigger this email.


Email Subject line

Please Select Role:

Select the roles of each association associated with this incident that will receive the email e.g if Secretary is selected and a Red Card is given to a player in a match, the secretary of his club would receive a notifcation.

Email Recipients (seperate with comma):

Any administrators you wish to notify about every incident of this status, category and type


Here you type out the contents of your email including any variables you may wish to use,
e.g Member First Name will auto populate from the incidents member and you can include any other info related and submitted.

Categories and Type:

Here you can specifically pick which incidents you wish to send the email e.g you may wish to send an email for a concussion or red card, but may not wish to for a try scored or conversion.


Member Incidents

Here you can see a full list of all the incidents added into the system, in descending order. There is search/filter options to search by category/type, member name, id, competition, status, date from/to and a tickbox to only show incidents reported to guest players (players entered manually, not in registration system)



For each incident, as admin, you have the option to view the incident of manage the incident.


View Incident:

Lists all the info in read only format


Manage Incident:


Here you will see all the incident information again, but will be able to change

Incident Status:

Change what the current status of this incident is which can trigger any email templates


Member Status:

Update the member status if needs be



Upload any internal documents related, e.g referee report, or medical cert etc.


Notify Member:

This also appears when incidents are being submitted, it allows you to ‘CC’ in the primary email of the member related to the incident.




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