Club Admin Knowledge Base


Members FAQ

If you need to pay and register yourself go to

If your club registered and paid on behalf of you this means you are registered with a status of Needs More Information, members must log in to their accounts (look for the Sportlomo activation email) to complete their registration forms by clicking update information and sign their waivers to become an active member

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If your club registered and paid on behalf of you this means you are registered with a status of Needs More Information, members must login to their accounts to complete their registration forms and sign their waivers to become an active member

This video is only if your province requires you to fill in a club/school affiliation form. Cheer Canada requires you become a admin/club owner member and then the second step in this video is filling in the event affiliation form

If you are a member you can go here and put in the email that you were registered under (like in the video). Make sure the email is accurate.

The message will only show if your sportlomo account is not active. IF you already have an active account (maybe from playing volleyball/rugby/swimming) you may want to try and login / reset the password. Also

it's possible your admin may have entered in the incorrect email for you also so I would double-check this first.

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