Upgrading Membership

Upgrading Membership

Upgrading is a member adding another Package or Role to their existing registration.

Examples of this would be:

Upgrading from a trial or temporary membership to a full membership.

Upgrading/Adding another role ie: Player to Coach which would be a dual role Player/Coach.

Upgrading from a Fall season to a Spring season.

Step 1:

When logged into your Sportlomo account you will see your profile window. Click the Upgrade button.

Step 2:

On the next page you will see a dropdown to select the package you wish to upgrade (Add onto) your existing registration.

Step 3:

Click the dropdown arrow to display available upgrade options

Step 4:

Once you choose the upgrade the value and any discount will be applied depending on your previous registration.

You will be charged in accordance with your previous fees. The system works on a ‘Pay highest model’ which means you are discounted any fees paid previously and discounted in full if you have paid for the most expensive membership.




Registered Senior player pays $200

Upgrades to Coach which costs $100

Member would be discounted to the coach value.



Registered Coach pays $100

Upgrade to Senior which costs $200

Member would be charged the $100 difference on the pay highest model.

Click continue

Step 5:

You will be brought to the next screen and all previous details will be brought across. You may need to fill in some new information and also sign off on the Terms and Conditions.

Sign off and click Register

Step 6:

Next you will be brought to the payment page but if there is no fee to be paid you will continue to the upgrade confirmation.

Yes by upgrading your existing membership, you can register for multiple roles within the club, eg Senior player and Coach


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