Transferring and multi membership Clubs
Calum Kyne
Please see these FAQ on transferring clubs. It also covers being a member in more then one club.
Log into your SportLoMo public account
Select ‘Start transfer’ under your member card.
Search for the club you wish to transfer to.
Please give a reason for the transfer.
Select “Request Transfer”
Often there is a transfer approval process involved, the new club has up to 24 hours to approve the transfer, after 24 hours the transfer will be automatically approved.
Click the i icon for more information. This will show you a breakdown of the transfer.
You will see who has to approve the transfer.
You can view your transfer at any stage by logging in to your Sportlomo public user account. From the sidebar select members' details. Then go to view transfer.
Once approved you will receive a confirmation email.
You can then sign back into your Sportlomo account. Repeat the steps below >> Members details >> View transfer
Click the Arrow under actions. Then you can select the membership you wish to purchase in your new club and register.
You should receive an email when your transfer has been approved. Log back into your public account. Select member details from your sidebar and view transfers.
Here you will see your status is approved. An arrow icon will have appeared click this to allow you to select the package for the next club. From this page select the member package you wish to register for in the new club, sign their waivers and any additional information and then you will be brought through for registration.
Governing body
Maybe - The governing body fees previously paid to Canada Rugby will be discounted. However, you might be transferring to a member package with a higher governing body fee so you might have to pay the difference between the prices if any.
If transferring to another province there may be a fee. If you remain in the same province this fee will already be paid (unless moving to package with a higher province fee).
CLub fees
If the club is using Sportlomo to take their club fees you will be required to pay this as you will not have previously covered their fees.
I registered to the wrong club - do I need to transfer?
If you have registered by mistake into the wrong club it may be easier to follow the refund process outlined in the question “I registered into the wrong club” and re-register with the correct club as opposed to going through the transfer process.
Yes - by using the dual member option in your dashboard you can join multiple clubs. Similar to above you will only have to pay the difference in governing body fees if there are any for that membership package. However, you will have to cover the new club's fees. This is only the case if your club uses Sportlomo to collect their membership fees (most do).
If you registered for the incorrect club you will need to apply for a refund and re-register to the correct club. In some instances, an automatic refund can be requested if under 15 days since purchase. This is set by your governing body. However, if you are past the automatic refund timeframe you may still be able to request a refund. Please follow the below steps to either automatically refund yourself or request refund:
Automatic Refund:
This is only available after 24hrs of purchase and is also dependent on the refund policy.
If you are within 15 days of purchase you should have the option to automatically refund yourself from your Sportlomo account:
Login to your Sportlomo account
Click Payments on the side menu
Click Membership
You will see the automatic refund icon (see screenshot below)
You can then go ahead and register for the correct club.
Refund Request:
If the automatic refund is not available please apply for a refund. Follow the steps outlined below. Keep in mind that all levels within the organization need to approve their portion of the fees ie: Governing body - Union - Club.
To apply for a refund you must:
Login to your Sportlomo account
Select Payments from the side menu
Click Payments
You will see the refund request icon (See screenshot below), you will receive an email telling you when you are approved.
Then please re-apply to the correct club.
Need more help?
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